Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place

Forgive me, readers, for swaying from the series of Dragons in Our Midst, but this book looked so appealing, with the illustrations and it's humor that a post must be written. Miss Penelope Lumley, fresh out of the Academy for Bright Girls With No Money, gets a post to be a governess for three children. But these children are not what they seem. Following the adventures of Penelope and her three charges, Alexander, Beowulf, and Cassiopeia, the words seem to giggle with puns and references to today's culture. If the reader is under the covers, yes, you will be able to stay awake for this one.


  1. Wonder if the names of the children stem from the author's concept of these three famous literary characters. Thoughts?

  2. They do stem from the literary characters, in fact. The man who found them decided to name them these long crazy names for fun.
